input(Variable, 'Please enter a number:'); |
Define Input |
ClearOutput(); |
Clear Output Window Like clc in MATLAB |
S = SEL.AllSym(); |
Select All Synchronous Generators |
S = SEL.AllTypLne(); |
Select All Type of Lines |
S = SEL.AllBreakers(); |
Select All Breakers |
S = SEL.AllClosedBreakers(); |
Select All Closed Breakers |
S = SEL.AllOpenBreakers(); |
Select All Open Breakers |
S = SEL.AllBars(); |
Select All Bus Bars |
S = SEL.AllLoads();=SEL.GetAll('ElmLod'); |
Select All Loads |
S = SEL.AllElm(); |
Select All Elements |
S = SEL.GetAll('ElmTr2'); |
Select All 2 Windings Transformers |
output(’a massage …=x’); |
Print “a massage …” in output window , x is a double variable |
o=s.First(); |
Select The First object of set S |
o=s.Next() |
Select The Next object of set S |
exit(); |
Exit From the main program. |
o.ShowFullName(); |
Show the Full Name of object o. |
error=Ldf.Execute(); |
Execute a load-flow. |
O:c:loading |
Returns the Loading of Object O. |
EchoOff(); |
Turn off warning and massages in output window. |
EchoOn(); |
Turn on warning and massages in output window. |
Ldf:iopt_lim=1; |
Enable Considering Reactive Power Limit in Load Flow Window. |
O:outserv=1; |
put object O out of service. |
M=B3:m:u; |
m:u Show the Voltage of Bus B3. |
M=O.GetConnectedElms(); |
Returns the set of connected elements O in M. |
n+=1 |
n=n+1; |
fopen('D:\Lines.dat','w',0); |
Open or create Lines.txt File. 0 is name of file in this window |
fclose(0); |
Close the file 0 |
S = AllRelevant('*.StaBar,*.'); |
S = AllRelevant('*.ElmLne',1); |
SumGrid=SummaryGrid(); |
Returns Summary Grid of Active Study Case |
ResetCalculation(); |
Reset Calculation such as Ldf Calculation |
o2=ss.Obj(10); |
select 10th object of set ss |
o.CreateObject('StaCubic','cub_00'); |
Create Cubicle on object o |
s1=o2.GetContents(); |
Put all Cubicles of o2 in s1 |
o3:obj_id=NULL |
Find the free Cubicle of o2 |
S.SortToName(R); |
Sorts the objects in the set to their name. The sorting is from A..Z when R=0 and reverse when R=1. |
if (Condition) {Do this Command} |
If Conditional Command |
elseif (Condition) {Do this Command} |
else Conditional Command |
x=matrixname.Get(row, col); |
Returns the (row, col) value from the matrix |
for (o=s.First();o;o=s.Next()) |
else Conditional Command |
s = M1.NCol(); |
returns number of Col of M1 |
r = M2.NRow(); |
returns number of Row of M2 |
s<>r |
s is not equal r |
M3.Init(s1,s2); |
Initialize Matrix M3 with dimension of s1*s2 |
M3.Set(r,c,v); |
Put M3(r,c)=v |
M3.Multiply(M1, M2); |
MatrixM3=M1*M2 |
Error=validLDF() |
Checks to see if the last load-flow results are still valid and available. int valid; valid = validLDF(); if (.not.valid) { Ldf.Execute(); } |
com=GetCaseCommand('ComLdf'); com.Execute(); ComLdf: Load flow ComShc: Short circuit ComSim: Time domain (RMS or EMT) simulation ComInc: Time domain initial conditions ComSimoutage: Contingency analysis ComRel3: Reliability assessment ComMod: Modal analysis ComHldf: Harmonic load flow ComGenrelinc: Initialise generation adequacy ComGenrel: Run generation adequacy ComCapo :Optimal capacitor placement ComVstab: Load flow sensiivities ComRed: Network reduction ComVsag: Voltage sag table assessment ComCabsize: Cable reinforcement optimisation ComTieopt: Tie open point optimisation ComSe: State estimator |